In this study, we present evidence that neurogenic cells inhibit the d
ifferentiation of cardiogenic cells. When cells of the entire area pel
lucida at stage 5 were dissociated and reaggregated, the aggregates di
fferentiated into neural tissues and other structures of any germ laye
r origin, except for heart tissues, despite the fact that the cardioge
nic cells are already committed to differentiate. The phenomenon also
occurs from stages 6 to 8, during which cells are in a higher state of
commitment. Using combinations of different regions of the area pellu
cida, it was confirmed that neurogenic cells are responsible for the i
nhibition of cardiogenic cell differentiation. The inhibition is not s
pecies-specific because quail and chick neurogenic cells inhibit each
other's cardiogenic cell differentiation. Direct contact between cardi
ogenic and neurogenic cells seems to be necessary for inhibition becau
se cardiogenic cell differentiation takes place if cardiogenic and neu
rogenic cells are separated by a porous membrane. Dissociated neural t
ubes from early stages, but not dissociated telencephalon from 2-day-o
ld chicks, also inhibit cardiogenic cell differentiation. These result
s suggest that neurogenic cells may sequester molecules necessary for
the differentiation of cardiogenic cells rather than produce inhibitor
y molecules. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.