J. Binney et G. Tabor, EVOLVING COOLING FLOWS, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 276(2), 1995, pp. 663-678
Citations number
Categorie Soggetti
Astronomy & Astrophysics
ISSN journal
Year of publication
663 - 678
SICI code
Time-dependent models of cooling flows in elliptical galaxies are pres ented. In these models distributed mass drop-out is not permitted and we follow Ciotti et al. in assuming that the rate of supernova heating declines faster than the rate at which dying stars inject mass into t he ISM. Consequently, the models move from outflow to inflow and ultim ately a central cooling catastrophe. We investigate the dependence of this evolution upon the current supernova rate, upon its extrapolation into the past, and on the intergalactic pressure. We find that the ev olution is very sensitive to intergalactic pressures of the expected o rder, in support of the conjecture of Ciotti et al. that differences i n the asymptotic pressures on galaxies of similar luminosity L(opt) ac count for the large scatter in the (L(X), L(opt)) plane. The X-ray bri ghtness profiles of the models are compared with observations of NGC 4 472, NGC 4649 and NGC 4636. Rough fits are obtained for the first two galaxies, but NGC 4636 cannot be even roughly fitted, probably because it is well past its first cooling catastrophe. We model mass and ener gy input by a central black hole. We assume that the hole powers a sub relativistic jet when excited by catastrophic cooling at the centre of the flow. Radio observations of NGC 4472 and of the Milky Way indicat e that most of the jet's power goes to heating the ISM rather than to producing synchrotron radiation. Short sharp bursts of power from the jet transform the centre of the cooling flow while injecting only a sm all fraction of the energy injected by stars. Given that the synchrotr on luminosity of the jet is probably orders of magnitude smaller than the jet's mechanical luminosity, the efficiency with which even a smal l mechanical output by the jet modifies the X-ray emission suggests th at the X-ray emission of most giant elliptical galaxies has been signi ficantly affected by nuclear activity. Heating by the jet changes the cusped X-ray brightness profile characteristic of a cooling catastroph e into a cored profile. Once the central hole has switched off, the co re again cools catastrophically within 0.5 Gyr. If the jet does not in duce star formation, each successive cooling catastrophe is more viole nt than the last. In reality it seems likely that a quasi-steady state is reached as a result of mass drop-out and star formation at the int erface of jet-heated and inflowing material. In this state, short burs ts of nuclear activity alternate with periods of quiescent cooling. Th e duration of the quiescent periods is set by the distance to which th e jet penetrates. This is in turn set by the jet's power.