A new concept of multiport sock samplers for open boreholes (uncased o
r screened) is developed and tested. The concept involves displacing t
he water column and sealing the borehole with a long, low-pressure pac
ker, which can be of modular construction. Samples are brought to the
surface by low-flow sampling pumps which can be located inside or outs
ide the packer and are connected to individual ports situated at the b
orehole wall. Two different styles were designed, constructed and test
ed. The first was a partly disposable single packer system, the Multil
evel Packer System (MLPS). The second, the Birmingham Modular Sampler
(EMS) was designed to be reusable in alternative configurations. The t
wo devices were developed through laboratory and field tests. A number
of technical problems were experienced; these have led to revised des
igns, which are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of each sy
stem, and the concept of the multiport sock sampler are discussed.