G. Gauquelin et al., INVOLVEMENT OF URODILANTIN IN INDUCED HYD ROELECTROLYTIC CHANGES IN HUMANS INDUCED BY A 6-DEGREE HEAD-DOWN TILT, Archives of physiology and biochemistry, 103(4), 1995, pp. 450-455
On 6 healthy men, we measured: 1/ the effects of 28-day -6 degrees hea
d-down tilt on the excretion of urodilatin and 2/ the relationship bet
ween urodilatin and urinary fluid or sodium excretion. Aliquots of the
pooled 24-h urine output were used Urodilatin increased parallel to u
rinary fluid or Na+ at first day of head-down tilt. Positive and stati
stically significant linear correlations could be established between
urodilatin (and ANP) and urinary volume, or Na+ in five subjects on si
x. Urodilatin might participate as one of the several mechanisms of di
uresis and natriuresis of first hours of head-down tilt.