The method of scanning electron microscopy was used to stud; the diffe
rentiation of the olfactory epithelium and the formation of the surfac
e of the olfactory epithelium of sheep on the 74th and 79th days of pr
enatal period, on the day of birth, 30 days after birth and in an adul
t animal of 730 days of age. From the 74th day of i.u. development, th
e olfactory endings on the surface of the olfactory epithelium were fo
und to be on different levels of development. Their amount gradually i
ncreased prior to birth as did the amount of olfactory cilia growing o
ut of these olfactory endings. The cilia were formed first, in the ran
ge of proximal segments; distal segments of cilia appeared later, in d
ependence on the degree of differentiation of the olfactory endings. N
o microvilli were yet formed on the apical segments of the sustentacul
ar cells of a 74-day old foetus. They began to differentiate after the
79th day of i.u. development and most of them were not formed until t
he immediate perinatal period. In the postnatal period the amount of n
ewly formed olfactory endings decreased, but the number and length of
olfactory cilia continued to increase. Areas of regenerating olfactory
epithelium and individual differentiating olfactory endings could als
o be observed in an adult animal.