On 9 June 1993, a squall line passed over the National Severe Storms L
aboratory Cimarron radar and polarimetric data of this event were reco
rded. The line produced heavy rain and at one time was oriented north-
south, extending over the radar site. At that time intense rainfall oc
curred over the radar. Polarimetric radar data from this event are exa
mined to explore the utility of polarization radar techniques for rain
fall monitoring and to evaluate the rain accumulation algorithm of the
National Weather Services WSR-88D radar. The Twin Lakes WSR-88D radar
observed the same squall line but from a different viewing angle. An
unexpectedly large attenuation was experienced by the 10-cm-wavelength
radiation, leading to large errors in conventional rain estimation te
chniques. An independent assessment of the rain measurements is made u
sing rain accumulation in a dense network of surface rain gauges.