Numerous studies have observed health effects of particulate air pollu
tion. Compared to early studies that focused on severe air pollution e
pisodes, recent studies are more relevant to understanding health effe
cts of pollution at levels common to contemporary cities in the develo
ped world. We review recent epidemiologic studies that evaluated healt
h effects of particulate air pollution and conclude that respirable pa
rticulate air pollution is Likely an important contributing factor to
respiratory disease. Observed heath effects include increased respirat
ory symptoms, decreased lung function, increased hospitalizations and
other heath care visits for respiratory and cardiovascular disease, in
creased respiratory morbidity as measured by absenteeism from work or
school or other restrictions in activity, and increased cardiopulmonar
y disease mortality, These heath effects are observed at levels common
to many U.S. cities including levels below current U.S. National Ambi
ent Air Quality Standards for particulate air pollution.