Recent research has demonstrated the presence of annual luminescent gr
owth banding in a stalagmite from Sutherland, N.W. Scotland (Baker, Sm
art, Edwards and Richards, 1993). The banding record of this sample co
ntains a short duration increase in annual band width, indicating a do
ubling of growth rate for a period of four years. Predicted growth rat
es derived from calcite precipitation kinetics are compared with obser
ved growth-rate variability to demonstrate that such a doubling of gro
wth rate would not be expected within the probable range of normal cli
mate variation. The growth rate peak is dated to 1135 +/- 130 BC by th
ermal ionization mass spectrometric U-238-U-234-Th-230 dating, not inc
onsistent with the timing of the Hekla 3 volcanic eruption. This event
may explain the observed variation in growth rate, and provide a new
source of evidence for interpretation of the effects of large explosiv
e eruptions.