Th. Cohen et Me. Glicksman, MULTICOMPONENT DIFFUSION - IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SQUARE-ROOT DIFFUSIVITY METHOD VIA THE PROFILER COMPUTER-PROGRAM, Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering, 3(5), 1995, pp. 585-596
We evaluate the square-root diffusivity method as implemented in a new
computer program Profiler developed by Brockman and Morral in 1993 to
model interdiffusion of components in multicomponent alloys, a proces
s which is of great importance in the materials sciences. Two multicom
ponent alloys joined along a planar interface form a classical one-dim
ensional diffusion couple in which the flux of any given component is
affected by the flux of the others. A special relationship exists betw
een the spatial extent of penetration of the various diffusing species
and the square root of time, from which the usefulness of the square
root of the diffusivity matrix becomes evident. Profiler, written in T
urbo Pascal for use on personal computers, calculates the variation, w
ith time and distance, of the concentrations of the n species diffusin
g across the interface of the single-phase diffusion couple using the
square-root diffusivity method. Diffusion profiles calculated by Profi
ler are compared to the published experimental data of Thompson et al
in 1990 and Dayananda and Kim in 1979. Profiler is also used to invest
igate diffusion paths as a function of ternary alloy concentration in
Cu-Ni-Zn couples. We conclude that Profiler accurately predicts the fo
rm of the two independent diffusion fields (e,g. predicting the existe
nce or absence of extrema in the penetration curves). The slopes of th
e diffusion profiles and the precise location of compositional extrema
are, however, shown to be dependent upon the accuracy of the alloy th
ermodynamic data selected by the user. Profiler is especially useful a
s a survey tool for estimating the potential occurrence and magnitude
of compositional extrema and other peculiarities of multicomponent dif
fusion. in addition, the interpretation of diffusion penetration data
obtained from electron microprobe analysis can be enhanced by prior kn
owledge that compositional extrema may occur within multicomponent dif
fusion zones.