The stability of relationships between harem stallions and mares (cons
ort relations) was investigated and the durations of inter partum inte
rvals were determined in order to establish if there was any correlati
on between the stability of consort relation and reproductive success
of mares in Misaki feral horses. Thirty-four mares were observed conti
nuously far more than 5 years. The lifetime stability was 80-100% (mea
n 92.4%) for 16 mares, 60-79% (mean 70.4%) for 10 mares and 0-59% (mea
n 27.9%) for 8 mares. The continuous length (years) of specific consor
t relations was 2-10 years and was found to correlate significantly wi
th lifetime stability. There was a significant positive correlation of
lifetime stability with lifetime reproductive success for 34 mares ob
served, and the correlation was higher when the data of 8 wandering ma
res (<60% in lifetime stability) were omitted. The mean +/- s.d. deliv
ery interval of 25 stable mares was 364.5 +/- 11.0 days, whereas that
of 8 unstable mares and stable mares who changed stallions was 387.0 /- 40.2 days. There was a significant difference between delivery inte
rvals of stable and unstable mares. Significant correlations between t
he stability of consort relations and both the foaling rates and deliv
ery intervals suggest that mares may obtain major reproductive advanta
ges if they maintain long term and stable consort relations with a par
ticular stallion throughout their reproductive life span.