The potential for aluminium (Al) chelation by different compounds was
determined using 2 in vitro techniques. The formation of stable comple
xes with Al in an aqueous solution was evaluated using pulse polarogra
phy. This technique allowed the influence of temperature and calcium (
Ca) to be studied for each compound. Certain compounds (EDDHA, HAES, c
itric acid and HEED) showed great chelation in the absence of Ca2+ at
a temperature of 37 +/- 1 C. An ultrafiltration technique combined wit
h Al determination by atomic emission spectroscopy allowed the efficie
ncy of different substances to complex Al that were previously bound t
o serum proteins to be estimated. The kinetics of chelation and minimu
m efficient concentration have been determined for all products studie
d. EDDHA had chelation potential similar to DFO. The real efficacies o
f the compounds were studied in vivo to compare the effectiveness of r
epeated administrations of the best chelating agents (EDDHA, DFO, HAES
and tartaric acid) on the distribution and excretion of Al after repe
ated ip administrations to rats. Intraperitoneal EDDHA significantly i
ncreased urinary metal (Al, Ca, Cu, Fe and Zn) excretion. These excret
ions may be correlated to a renal toxic potential property.