An assessment of the immune status of both HIV-positive and HIV-negati
ve haemophiliacs showed hypo-responsive and anergic patients in both g
roups. In HIV-positive patients, the immune suppression, in addition t
o HIV itself, may be caused by other viral infections such as all type
s of hepatitis as well as by factor VIII concentrates. The introductio
n of new technologies for preparing factor VIII concentrates led to th
e question of whether higher purity is associated with a protective ef
fect on the immune system, which might improve the clinical course of
HIV-positive patients. Factor VIII from two manufacturing processes wa
s investigated, one prepared using an ion-exchange S/D step, and the o
ther utilizing a monoclonal antibody step. It is concluded that changi
ng the product, from the monoclonal antibody to the ion-exchange and v
ice versa in the HIV-negative patients does not cause a change in the
immune profiles.