Previous studies of tooth size in twins and their families have sugges
ted a high degree of genetic control, although there have been difficu
lties separating the various genetic and environmental effects. A gene
tic analysis of variation in crown size of the permanent incisors of S
outh Australian twins was carried out, with structural equation modeli
ng used to determine the relative contributions of genetic and environ
mental factors. Maximum mesiodistal crown dimensions of maxillary and
mandibular permanent incisors were recorded from dental models of 298
pairs of twins, including 149 monozygous (MZ) and 149 dizygous (DZ) pa
irs. The analysis revealed that: (i) an adequate fit required additive
genetic and unique environmental components; (ii) augmenting the mode
l with non-additive genetic variation did not lead to a significant im
provement in fit; (iii) there was evidence of shared environmental inf
luences in the upper central incisors of males; (iv) the additive gene
tic component constituted a general factor loading on all eight teeth,
with group factors loading on antimeric pairs of teeth; (v) unique en
vironmental effects were mostly variable-specific; (vi) most factor lo
adings on antimeric tooth pairs could be constrained to be equal, indi
cating a symmetry of genetic and environmental influences between left
and right sides; and (vii) estimated heritability of the incisor mesi
odistal dimensions varied from 0.81 to 0.91.