In early February 1990, vandals set fire to a used tire storage facili
ty near Hagersville, Ontario, Canada, During the fire, the Ontario Min
istry of Environment and Energy (MOEE) monitored the site and surround
ing impact zone for numerous organic contaminants. Samples of air, soi
l, vegetation, runoff water, and oily residue were collected and analy
zed for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated d
ibenzofurans (PCDF). Air samples produced complex incineration pattern
s with a large number of isomers detected. Total toxicity equivalents
(TEQ) at 1 km downwind of the fire were an order of magnitude higher t
han those at 3 km downwind. Soil samples collected during the fire did
not show elevated PCDD or PCDF concentrations, however, low concentra
tions were detected in vegetation collected at 100 m and 200 m from th
e site. PCDD and PCDF concentrations in the foliage decreased with tim
e but were still detectable for at least 200 days after the fire start
ed. As the tires burned, water used to extinguish the fire caused runo
ff of oil and oily water. Unique patterns of PCDDs and PCDFs were dete
cted in these samples.