Hg. Sonntag et J. Moller, TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN HOSPITALS TAK ING PARTICULAR ACCOUNT OF HOSPITAL HYGIENE, Zentralblatt fur Hygiene und Umweltmedizin, 199(2-4), 1996, pp. 143-155
Due to the law of hearth reform and health structure the hospitals in
the Federal Republic of Germany are asked to not only think about cost
reduction but at the same time to also face the requirements of quali
ty management (QM) and quality assurance (QA). For the field of medica
l and care taking treatment of patients in the hospital the term ''qua
lity'' can be described as the total of characteristics of the medical
services necessary for the realization of all requirements which lead
to an optimal patient treatment. Hospital hygiene as part of hygiene
in the broader sense deals with the bases of disease prevention of all
persons actively or passively connected with the institution hospital
as well as with the natural and social hospital environment and, thus
, in every respect proves to be a guide discipline for the realization
of QM and QA in the hospital. For the realization of an overall conce
pt for QM and QA in the hospital three categories of quality have prov
ed to be worthwhile, namely the structure quality which deals with the
quality related arrangement of the frame conditions of hospital produ
ctivity the process quality which comprises the improvement of diagnos
tic, therapeutic, care taking and medical activities in the hospital a
s well as interactions between the hospital staff and the patient or h
is relatives, and the outcome quality, which judges the changes in the
patient's condition by means of predefined target values. Furthermore
, QM in the hospital needs detailed informative activities (initial st
age of information) as well as motivating measures (initial stage of c
onduct) whereas latter has to be considered as an essential basis for
a staff-related realization of quality assurance measures in the hospi
tal. Possibilities for a practical realization of QM and QA are shown
by means of the modular concept established in the Clinics of the Univ
ersity of Heidelberg. Thereby, one could experience that a successful
QM in the hospital requires the declared willingness of the hospital l
eadership to regard quality as the main theme of medical services and
that QM has to be carried out staff-orientated for only by improvement
of the employers' activities on all levels of the hospital gains the
medical process of service its quality.