New research on migration, mobility and housing tenure choice using th
e concept of the life-course is providing an enriched analysis of the
context within which housing choices are made and of the demographic a
nd economic variables which are critical determinants of the decisions
to move and to change tenures, The availability of panel series data
for the US and Germany allows cross-national comparisons of the migrat
ion and tenure choice processes, There are substantial differences in
the rates of mobility and the rates of moves of households from the re
ntal sector to ownership, especially for couples, but the results conf
irm the overall similarities in the mobility and tenure choice process
es despite the differing government commitments to housing policy, The
models show that it is primarily couples and families who make the tr
ansition to ownership and that income and number of earners are import
ant in both contexts and German households have even higher incomes be
fore they make the transition to ownership, At the same time, the tax
benefits in Germany have also made it possible for families with relat
ively lower incomes to move to the ownership sector.