Most children with cancer will experience pain during their illness, w
hether it may be cured or not. They may suffer from acute pain related
to treatments or to invasive procedures or from prolonged pain due to
the evolution of cancer or sequellae of treatment. Pain must be consi
dered as a major symptom and must be suspected, diagnosed and evaluate
d. Physicians have to analyse the different componants the physiopatho
logic data, and causes of pain. Treatments have to be prescribed, adju
sted to each patient and monitored inconformity with rigourous guideli
nes in order to obtain the best analgesic efficacy and the lowest side
effect levels. The use of opioids is frequent and their doses are hig
her as those used in adults. Neuropathic pain is frequent in children
suffering from cancer and requires treatment by means of antidepressan
t drugs if clinical signs of neuropathic pain are predominant.