We report some recent algorithmic refinements and the resulting simula
ted and real image reconstructions of fluorescence micrographs by usin
g a blind-deconvolution algorithm based on maximum-likelihood estimati
on. Blind-deconvolution methods encompass those that do not require ei
ther calibrated or theoretical predetermination of the point-spread fu
nction (PSF). Instead, a blind deconvolution reconstructs the PSF conc
urrently with deblurring of the image data. Two-dimensional computer s
imulations give some definitive evidence of the integrity of the recon
structions of both the fluorescence concentration and the PSF. A recon
structed image and a reconstructed PSF from a two-dimensional fluoresc
ent data set show that the blind version of the algorithm produces ima
ges that are comparable with those previously produced by a precursory
nonblind version of the algorithm. They furthermore show a remarkable
similarity, albeit not perfectly identical, with a PSF measurement ta
ken for the same data set, provided by Agard and colleagues. A reconst
ructed image of a three-dimensional confocal data set shows a substant
ial axial smear removal. There is currently an existing trade-off in u
sing the blind deconvolution in that it converges at a slightly slower
rate than the nonblind approach. Future research, of course, will add
ress this present limitation.