Measurements of both dissolved and particulate trace metals (Cd, Co, C
u, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) were made on samples collected simultaneousl
y in the central and southern North Sea (below 56 degrees N), during f
our cruises covering the seasonal cycle. Analyses of trace metals in b
oth phases were undertaken using similar analytical protocols, and the
data subjected to rigorous quality controls. Clean techniques were us
ed throughout sampling and analysis. Trace metal concentrations ranged
from those characteristic of waters entering the shelf region from th
e North Atlantic Ocean to values which in some cases were two orders o
f magnitude higher. Marked increases in concentrations were often asso
ciated with waters directly influenced by riverwaters, but the results
showed that the distributions could be influenced by processes other
than fluvial inputs. The redox-sensitive metals, Fe and Mn, were influ
enced at some sites, including those overlying areas of fine-grained s
ediments, by benthic inputs associated with seasonal changes in oxidat
ion-reduction conditions in the benthic interfacial zone. The behaviou
r of metals which are not redox-sensitive (Cd, Zn) in some cases paral
leled those of Fe and Mn, suggesting an association with Mn- or Fe-ric
h solid phases, or with organic matter. However, seasonal variations i
n concentrations of Cd and Zn were not directly linked to the cycle of
biological utilization and regeneration of nutrients, suggesting that
their geochemistry is more influenced by boundary inputs. Resuspensio
n of Pb-rich sediments, long-range transport of Pb-rich suspended part
iculate matter (SPM), and enhanced, though diffuse, atmospheric inputs
of lead were considered to have contributed to the elevated concentra
tions of particulate Pb (mass metal/mass sediment) in the water column
during winter. Estimates of partitioning (K(D)s) were derived from th
e dissolved and particulate data for each of the metals over the seaso
nal cycle. For the more particle-reactive metals (Go, Fe, Mn, Pb), tra
nsport in the suspended particulate phase is a significant, sometimes
dominant factor. In contrast, for Cd, Cu and Zn, transport in solution
will dominate under almost all conditions in the southern North Sea.
Furthermore, the values of K-D, for a particular metal, varied widely,
partly in response to seasonal differences in the relative contributi
ons of lithogenous and biogenous particles to the particles in suspens
ion. Only for Cu and Zn during the winter could the partitioning be de
scribed by a narrow range of K-D values covering the observed concentr
ations of SPM. The data from this study give unique information concer
ning the contemporaneous distribution of dissolved and particulate tra
ce metals in the southern North Sea and they provide a baseline agains
t which the effects of reductions of inputs into the North Sea may be
more accurately assessed. Viewed in combination, the dissolved and par
ticulate data have yielded new insights into mechanisms affecting trac
e metal cycling and transport, essential in the development of coupled
hydrodynamic-geochemical models. (C) 1995 Academic Press Limited