Given current assumptions about the biology of neural organization, so
me connectionists believe that it may not be possible to accurately mo
del the brain's neural architecture. We have identified five restricti
ve neurobiological dogmas that we believe have limited the exploration
of more fundamental correlations between computational and biological
neural networks. We postulate that: 1) the dendritic tree serves as a
synapse storage device rather than a simple summation device; 2) conn
ection strength between neurons depends on the number and location of
synapses of similar weight, not on synapses of variable weights; 3) ax
onal sprouting occurs regularly in adult organisms; 4) the postsynapti
c genome directly controls the presynaptic cell via mRNA, rather than
indirectly by the expression of NCAMs, reverse neurotransmitters, etc.
; 5) dendritic spines serve a trophic function by controlling developm
ent of new sprouts via a process we term retroduction. We entertain an
alternative formulation of a computational neural element that is ful
ly consistent with modern neuroscience research. We then show how our
model neuron can learn under Hebbian conditions, and extend the model
to explain non-Hebbian, one-trial learning. This work is significant b
ecause by stretching the theoretical boundaries of modern neuroscience
, we show how connectionists can potentially create new, more biologic
ally-based neural elements which, when, interconnected into networks,
exhibit not only properties of existing backpropagation networks, but
other physiological properties as well.