The greatest portion of papers dealing with the Dempster-Shafer theory
consider the case when the basic universe is a finite set, so that al
l the numerical characteristics introduced and investigated in the D-S
theory, including the believeability and plausibility functions as th
e most important ones, can be easily defined by well-known combinatori
c formulas outgoing from a simple probability distribution (basic beli
ef assignment, in the terms of D-S theory) on the power-set P(S) of al
l subsets of S. The obvious fact that these numerical characteristics
can be equivalently defined also by appropriate set-valued random vari
ables becomes to be of greater importance in the case when S is infini
te. We investigate, in this paper, the case when the power-set P(S) ov
er an infinite set S is equipped by a nonempty sigma-field L subset of
P(P(S)) and when the belief and plausibility functions are defined by
a set-valued random variable (i.e., L-measurable mapping) which takes
a given probability space into the measurable space [P(S), L]. In gen
eral, the values of the two functions in question need not be defined
for each subset T of S. Therefore, we define four extensions of these
functions to whole the P(S), based on the well-known concepts of inner
and outer measure, and investigate their properties; interesting enou
gh, just one of them respect the philosophy of the D-S approach to unc
ertainty quantification and processing and keeps the properties posses
sed by believeability and plausibility functions defined over finite s