A Bosnia mental health professional told me the following story: Her v
illage had been under siege for months, and she had worked around the
clock in her community using all her personal and professional resourc
es. She was offered a few days break in Zagreb and went to the city; s
he welcomed the chance to be out from under fire and to rest. A bookst
ore was the first place she wanted to go, to browse, to expand her vis
ion, to read about other places and peoples. In the shop, the shelves
were lined with American best-selling self-help books with titles like
''Getting rid of the shoulds in your life in 24 hours,'' ''How to sto
ps being angry and guilty in 12 steps,'' etc. She looked at these and
felt so unreal that she fled back to her village, preferring the reali
ty of her people and her problems.