Samples of Rb3C60(NH/D-3)(x) and one of Li2.8C60(NH3)(3.7) were prepar
ed and examined by X-ray and neutron powder diffraction. A pattern of
the lithium compound can be fitted to an Im (3) over bar m (a = 11.843
(2) Angstrom) cell in which there are orientationally disordered C-60
molecules and the lithium and ammonia are coordinated together and occ
upy the tetrahedral holes. However, some patterns from samples of diff
erent history and heat treatment show extra reflection peaks. They can
be indexed as a P (3) over bar m1 supercell of the Im (3) over bar m
cubic cell. The Rb3C60(NH/D-3)(x) patterns are more complex but can be
indexed using two commensurate modulations. The relative amount in an
y one sample of these two commensurate modulations vary depending on m
ethod of preparation, annealing and sample ageing. The modulations are
conceptually derived from a hypothetical Im (3) over bar m (a = 12.10
Angstrom) cell. However, the modulations are so large in amplitude th
at the observed intensities no longer resemble the pattern from a hypo
thetical Im (3) over bar m structure. Their position, intensity and th
e number of observed peaks correspond more closely to those for a hypo
thetical icosahedral quasicrystal or icosahedral glass. Although this
correspondence may not be close we believe that there is a tendency fo
r the C-60 molecules to become icosahedrally coordinated in these diso
rdered systems.