We inserted 36 Mitek Mini G2 suture anchors (Mitek Surgical Products,
Westwood, MA) into various sites of 14 fresh cadaver hands. A single-s
trand O-Ethibond suture (Ethicon, Sommerville, NJ) was threaded throug
h each anchor, inserted into bone, and loaded to failure. In all cases
, either the anchor pulled out (11 of 36) or the suture broke (25 of 3
6). No anchors fractured. We also measured the breaking strength of si
x types of suture material (without anchors) commonly used by hand sur
geons; all failed at much lower loads than those generated in our anch
or pullout model. We conclude that the Mitek Mini G2 suture anchor pos
sesses sufficient pullout strength for tendon and ligament fixation in
the hand, including the distal phalanx.