THE components of the light-activated current in ventral photoreceptor
of Limulus have different physical and pharmacological properties, in
dicating the operation of different transduction pathways. We investig
ated whether these pathways are activated by different G-proteins. An
antiserum, directed against the C-terminal sequence QLNLKEYNLV of the
alpha subunit of the Gq-protein, which is present in squid photorecept
or, was injected into the ventral photoreceptor of Limulus. This Gq-al
pha mediates the light-dependent activation of PLC. Injections of the
antibody into the photoreceptor blocked the second component of the li
ght-evoked current in Limulus bs ventral photoreceptor, but the other
components could still be activated. The results support our earlier h
ypothesis that the transduction pathways of the current components are
selectively activated by different G-proteins.