Among 1713 atomic bomb survivors who underwent ophthalmological examin
ations from 1963-1964, the risk of cataract formation per unit dose of
radiation was significantly greater for those who reported hair loss
of 67% or more after exposure (the epilation group) than for those who
reported less or no hair loss (the no-epilation group) (P < 0.01). Su
ch an epilation effect has also been associated with leukemia mortalit
y and the frequency of chromosome aberrations. Although this might be
interpreted as indicating differential sensitivity to radiation betwee
n the epilation group and the no-epilation group, it could also be exp
lained by imprecision in dose estimates.;We have calculated that a 48%
random error in DS86 dose estimates could be in accordance with the d
ose-response relationship for the prevalence of cataracts in the epila
tion group or the no-epilation group. Possible mechanisms for variatio
n in radiosensitivity are discussed. (C) 1995 by Radiation Research So