In a randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled cross-over study the
effect of lubricant with 2 % lidocaine versus lubricant without lidoc
aine was investigated by measuring the sensory threshold of the male u
rethra in healthy volunteers. In a first series (n = 12) with 1 minute
latency between application of the lubricant and insertion of the tra
nsurethral catheter, there was a moderate effect of lidocain-jelly on
the sensory thresholds in the penile and bulbar urethra and a poor eff
ect in the prostatic urethra. In a second series (n = 9) with ten minu
tes latency between application of the lubricant and insertion of the
catheter, there was a marked effect on the sensory thresholds in the p
enile and bulbar urethra and no effect in the prostatic urethra. Lidoc
aine jelly had a marked effect on the sensory threshold as compared to
lubricant without lidocaine only in the series with 10 minutes latenc
y but hat in the series with 1 minute latency. This is explained by di
splacement of the lubricant during insertion of the catheter. The lack
of efficacy in the prostatic urethra is explained by a sort time only
, by which the mucosa is exposed to the lidocaine-jelly.