Kr. Sheets et Jmh. Hendrickx, NONINVASIVE SOIL-WATER CONTENT MEASUREMENT USING ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION, Water resources research, 31(10), 1995, pp. 2401-2409
The feasibility of soil water content measurement using electromagneti
c induction was investigated in an arid region of southern New Mexico.
Soil water measurements were taken monthly with a neutron probe at 65
equally spaced stations along a 1950-m transect. At the same time, no
ninvasive electrical conductivity measurements of the soil were taken
with a Geonics EM-31 ground conductivity meter. Using 16 months of mea
surements, we found a linear relationship exists between bulk soil ele
ctrical conductivity and total soil water content in the top 1.5 m of
the profile. A simple linear regression model was developed to describ
e the relationship between soil water content and bulk soil electrical
conductivity. The spatial and temporal accuracy of the regression mod
el is addressed as well as the total number of neutron access tubes ne
eded to accurately calibrate the model. By comparison with the neutron
scattering method the electromagnetic induction method is quite accur
ate for the prediction of water content changes over time. The speed a
nd ease of use combined with the accuracy of the measurements make the
ground conductivity meter a valuable tool for rapid, noninvasive soil
water measurements.