A binary search strategy is proposed and implemented in a continuous f
low system to find the end-point titration by employing spectrophotome
tric detection. It takes advantage of the binary sampling process unde
r a constant flow-rate. For this task an automated flow set-up based o
n solenoid valves was designed. A 386 microcomputer was employed to co
ntrol the valves, and to perform data acquisition and data processing.
The accuracy level can be previously settled as a software parameter.
Samples with concentrations ranging within two orders of magnitude co
uld be titrated by making use of the same flow set-up. Titration of hy
drochloric acid with sodium hydroxide was performed to demonstrate the
feasibility of the proposal. Titrations in triplicate, with 99.99% pr
ecision were carried out in 3 min with a solution consumption of 2 ml.