OBJECTIVE: To study the fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytologic feature
s of male breast lesions and to determine the efficacy of FNA cytology
in the diagnosis of these lesions. STUDY DESIGN: During a five-year p
eriod (July 1988-June 1993), 188 males with breast lesions were invest
igated by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). Slides were availabl
e for review in 185 of these cases. RESULTS: Gynecomastia was the most
common lesion (132 cases), followed by benign tumors and cysts (16 ca
ses), carcinoma (6 cases) and inflammatory lesions (5 cases). In 26 ca
ses the smears were considered inadequate. The cytologic features of g
ynecomastia included cohesive sheets of bland cells (100.0% of cases),
bipolar bare nuclei (76.5%) and columnar cells (38.6%). Mild nuclear
atypia was observed in seven cases. The cytologic features consisted o
f dyshesive groups of ductular cells with moderate to severe nuclear a
typia and absence of bare nuclei as well as columnar cells. The benign
tumors and cysts included lipomatous lesions (10 cases), spindle cell
tumors (3 cases) and epidermal inclusion/pilar cysts (3 cases). Histo
logy was done in 25 cases. Diagnostic accuracy of FNAC for gynecomasti
a, benign tumors and malignancy was 100.0%, 100.0% and 66.7%, respecti
vely. The only discrepant case was a carcinoma, diagnosed as highly su
spicious on the cytologic specimen. CONCLUSIONS: FNAC was very useful
for investigating male breast masses.