A three-fluid description of the solar wind is used to investigate the
mass flux, helium abundance and flow speeds at 1 AU as a function of
heat input in the inner corona. The solar wind model includes continui
ty, momentum and energy equations for each of the three species, elect
rons, protons, and alpha particles. The energy equations contain param
eterized heat sources for any of the three species. The energy equatio
n for the electrons also includes radiation losses in the transition r
egion. We study the effect of heating different particle species. We s
how that for a given set of plasma parameters at the coronal base, hea
ting the electrons, protons and alpha particles, or all three species,
can result in the same mass flux, helium abundance and proton flow sp
eed at 1 AU, yet very different plasma properties in the inner corona.
The plasma parameters we consider are characteristic of the high spee
d solar wind.