A set of coordinate transformations is used to linearize a general geo
physical inverse problem. Statistical and analytic techniques are empl
oyed to estimate the parameters of such linearization transformations.
In the transformed space, techniques from linear inverse theory may b
e utilized. Consequently, important concepts, such as model parameter
covariance, model parameter resolution and averaging kernels, may be c
arried over to non-linear inverse problems. I apply the approach to a
set of seismic cross-borehole traveltimes gathered at the Conoco Boreh
ole Test Facility. The seismic survey was conducted within the Fort Ri
ley formation, a limestone with thin interbedded shales. Between the b
oreholes, the velocity structure of the Fort Riley formation consists
of a high-velocity region overlying a section of lower velocity. It is
found that model parameter resolution is poorest and spatial averagin
g lengths are greatest in the underlying low-velocity region.