While immunotyping blast cells from 45 patients with CML blast crisis,
we detected 5 cases with immunologically primitive blast cells. The i
mmunological phenotype of these cells corresponded to that of primitiv
e stem cells which are characterized by expression of CD34 and HLA-DR
antigens in tile absence of other immunological markets. We suggest th
at blast cells from these patients may undergo differentiation similar
to that of primitive stem cells that implies the existence of a new i
mmunological variant of CML blast crisis, a primitive variant. Morphol
ogically, blast cells in 3 cases could be classified as myeloid, in 2
cases precise identification was impossible. Cytochemically, this type
of cells can be defined as mixed. The patients with CD34(+) phenotype
do not differ clinically or hematologically from those with CML blast
crisis. Blast cells with membrane marker CD34 are likely to arise in
any CML phase either as a component of overall leukemic population of
predominant, single subclone.