A growing concern about the shrinking size of the U.S. Navy budget and
the pool from which selections will be made to ''man'' U. S. Navy shi
pboard systems has led to investigations on achieving improvements in
affordability and operational effectiveness. One such investigation ha
s resulted in the development of the Standard Monitoring and Control S
ystem (SMCS), a modular, open architecture control system which includ
es the control system components for propulsion, electric plant, auxil
iaries, and damage control. The first major technology upgrade to SMCS
will entail the insertion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologie
s into HM&E monitoring and control applications. The Intelligent Machi
nery Control Integration Task (IMCI) was established to provide a stru
ctural approach for this major technology upgrade. As part of the firs
t phase of IMCI, an identification of intelligent control requirements
, an assessment of AI technologies, and a survey of intelligent contro
l applications were performed. This paper lists those HM&E-related shi
pboard operational requirements from which intelligent machinery contr
ol requirements will be identified. Also, there is an initial assessme
nt of AI-related reasoning and the following AI technologies, knowledg
e-based systems, fuzzy logic, neural nets, and genetic algorithms. The
survey provided some insight into applying AI technologies to SMCS sh
ipboard operational requirements.