The industrialization process at world level has produced an alarming
increase in the hazardous residues overall volumes. Furthermore, their
toxicity complexity and chemical heterogeneity, as well as the high c
osts of treatment and final disposal have generated a negative impact
on the environment and human health. It is necessary to define these r
esidues in order to determine their toxicity, reactivity, corrosivenes
s and inflammability so that a proper evaluation can be made of their
effects on life in general, which in turn will permit the devising of
better methods of handling, storing, treating and disposing of the dan
gerous residues. Several techniques exist for treating hazardous resid
ues to reduce or eliminate the risks to health and minimize the effect
s on the environment deterioration usually associated with the generat
ion of noxious (harmful) substances. These techniques depend on the ph
ysical nature and state of the substances: liquid, solid semisolid ol
gaseous. In many countries unproductive or abandoned land nr eas are u
sed to dump such residues. In common practice only a limited number of
techniques ave used, of which the land-fill is the most common. In Ve
nezuela an interinstitutional commission is presently working on the c
reation of a Center for the Treatment and final Disposal of Hazardous
Residues. Which in turn is generating a National Plan for Handling Ind
ustrial Residues. At this date due consideration is being given to the
final sites for the construction of the safety land-fills and to the
determination of the necessary related administrative processes.