Analytical and numerical study of the stability of the resistive ballo
oning modes (RBM) in the scrape-off layer (SOL) of a tokamak plasma is
performed. It is shown that the stability of the RBM is controlled by
the two parameters lambda = (m(e)/m(i))(1/2)nu(ei)qR/upsilon(Te)-the
''effective strength'' of the Debye sheath current, and (m) over cap =
mL(0)/a the dimensionless poloidal number, where the characteristic s
cale L(0) is given in the main text as a function of the basic plasma
edge parameters. For lambda>1 the coupling to the sheath is unimportan
t and the unstable spectrum is virtually unchanged from that in the cl
osed flux region. For lambda<1 the sheath current has a strong destabi
lizing influence on long wavelength modes. The general case of arbitra
ry lambda and (m) over cap is studied numerically and the spectrum of
the unstable RBM is found. The influence of the diamagnetic effects is
also investigated. (C) 1995 American Institute of Physics.