The response of the magnetopause surface to time-varying solar wind dy
namic pressure is examined. We argue that to a first approximation the
magnetopause surface may be considered as analogous to an elastic mem
brane. Upon displacement from equilibrium resulting from a change in a
pplied external pressure, it moves to a new equilibrium under the equa
tion of motion of a forced, damped, simple harmonic oscillator. We der
ive this equation of motion by linearising for small perturbations the
momentum equation for flow past a nonrigid ellipsoidal body in the Ne
wton-Busemann limit. Though our approach is only an approximation to t
he real dynamics of the magnetopause boundary, it serves to demonstrat
e the importance of inertia in the system response. It allows us to es
timate the natural eigenperiod of magnetopause oscillation as typicall
y around 7 min, the precise value depending on solar wind conditions,
However, the magnetopause eigenoscillation is furthermore found to be
strongly damped, regardless of solar wind conditions. One consequence
of these properties is that short-period fluctuations in the solar win
d dynamic pressure elicit a suppressed magnetospheric response. We out
line other theoretical expectations by which our model may be tested a
gainst observation, and discuss the implications of our findings for c
urrent interpretations of spacecraft observations made in the dynamic
magnetopause environment.