Siamese cats are hypopigmented mutants which have abnormal retino-geni
culo-cortical pathways. The callosal pathway between areas 17 and 18 o
f the two cortical hemispheres also exhibits abnormalities: projection
s arising from the supragranular layers are more widely distributed bu
t greatly reduced in number compared to normally pigmented (NP) cats,
whereas those from the infragranular layers are more widespread and mo
re numerous than normal (Berman and Grant, Visual Sci., 9 (1992) 1-19)
. Here we examine the development of these abnormalities, using pathwa
y tracing combined with quantitative analyses of the projection in nor
mal and Siamese kittens at different postnatal ages. In neonatal kitte
ns of both strains studied prior to natural eye-opening, supragranular
layer callosal projections arose throughout areas 17 and 18, with tho
se from the infragranular layers restricted more to the region of the
area 17/18 border. Between postnatal days 10 and 30 there was a simila
r, major (similar to 50%) reduction in the number and distribution of
supragranular layer callosal projections from the two areas. The reduc
tions in the normal kittens largely established the adult pattern of p
rojection, but in the Siamese kittens twice as many callosal neurons w
ere present than in adults of the mutant genotype and this situation p
ersisted at the end of the second postnatal month. There was also a ma
jor (greater than or equal to 50%) reduction in the number and distrib
ution of infragranular layer callosal projections in the NP kittens af
ter eye-opening, but in the mutants such reductions did not occur. Thu
s the sequence of callosal development in the Siamese cat differs mark
edly for its two laminar components and by comparison with normal anim
als: an abnormally late loss of the main source of callosal projection
s occurs from the upper cortical layers, while the lower layers mainta
in an early exuberancy. We conclude that abnormal callosal connectivit
y in these mutants does not result from a misrouting of growing callos
al axons, but from subsequent alterations to different mechanisms of c
ortical pathway development.