The authors are part of a committee that has been designing a new high
school curriculum in computer science and supervising the preparation
of a comprehensive study program based on it. The new program emphasi
zes the foundations of algorithmic thinking and teaches programming as
a way to get the computer to carry out an algorithm. The authors disc
uss the program and its initial implementation. They begin by discussi
ng the key underlying principles that have guided their work. Then the
y describe the structure and content of the program, including a 3-uni
t version of 270 hours and a 5-unit version of 450. The curriculum is
divided into five modules: Fundamentals 1 and 2, Software Design, Seco
nd Paradigm, Applications, and Theory. The authors describe each modul
e in detail. Next, the authors explain the steps the committee has bee
n taking to get the program underway. They reveal some challenges they
have faced in developing the course material. For example, the Fundam
entals 1 module had to provide a solid foundation for students who wou
ld not study computer science beyond the 10th grade as well as for tho
se who would complete either the 3- or 5-unit program. This program is
being tested in Israeli schools. One of the main challenges the commi
ttee has faced is a way to provide adequate teacher training.