Gj. Darlington et al., C EBP-ALPHA - A CRITICAL REGULATOR OF GENES GOVERNING INTEGRATIVE METABOLIC PROCESSES/, Current opinion in genetics & development, 5(5), 1995, pp. 565-570
The role of C/EBP alpha in the developmental expression of a subset of
genes governing essential metabolic processes has recently been eluci
dated using a mutant mouse model that lacks this transcription factor.
The mutation results in a failure of the liver and white and brown ad
ipose tissue to develop normal metabolic functions in the immediate pe
rinatal period, including hepatic glycogen synthesis and gluconeogenes
is and the synthesis and deposition of triglyceride in adipose tissue.
These metabolic alterations are very similar to those of human infant
s born prior to the third trimester and suggest that many of the medic
al complications of prematurity are a result of the tack of activation
of C/EBP alpha in development.