This study presents data on phylogenetic analysis of strains of yeastl
ike fungi of genus Aureobasidium obtained on the basis of rDNA polymor
phism and identification of biological (genetic) species using the pol
ymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique with universal primers (UP-PCR)
(primer 21) in a hybridization variant. Previously performed subdivis
ion into species is confirmed. Results obtained using a traditional ap
proach based on rDNA and those obtained by the novel UP-PCR technique
were shown to agree. Five strains of the taxonomic A. pullulans specie
s were redetermined as Hormionema sp. Forty A, pullulans strains were
divided into three independent species of genus Aureobasidium. Two of
these are in a state of considerable (Species I) and moderate (species
II) divergence. Apparently, groups II and III have emerged relatively
recently as independent species and evolved not far from each other a
nd from species I. Strains F2455 and F121, which were previously attri
buted to A. microstictum, have been excluded from the genus Aureobasid