We compared early versus late re-feeding in the management of acute di
arrhoea in the first year of life. In the study group (73 patients) br
east feeding was resumed or early re-feeding was performed in nonbreas
t-fed infants, so that the feeding regimen used prior to the onset of
the disease was reached within 2-3 days. In the control group (49 pati
ents) late re-feeding was performed so that the infants returned to th
eir original feeding pattern after 4-6 days. There were no significant
differences between the two groups in the number of stools and stool
output per day, or in the duration of the disease. No weight gain or l
oss during the diet was noted more frequently in the late re-feeding g
roup (67.2% versus 23.4%). This study confirms the favourable effect o
n body weight of early re-feeding in the manage ment of acute diarrhoe