Totally occluded venous grafts are usually less amenable to mechanical
reperfusion alone (for example percutaneous transluminal coronary ang
ioplasty, PTCA) because of the large mass of thrombotic material withi
n the graft. A combined approach using mechanical and thrombolytic tre
atment might therefore be more successful. Twenty one patients (20 mal
es, one female) with a mean age of 64.5 (SD 5.6) years underwent angio
graphy because of crescendo or unstable angina (n = 19) or myocardial
infarction (n = 2) at a mean of 21.7 (18.6) days after onset of sympto
ms (range 1-60). All patients had had coronary artery bypass grafting
(CABG) at a mean of 8.02 (4.02) years (range 0.3-13 years) before the
current admission. At catheterisation, totally occluded venous bypass
grafts to the left anterior descending coronary artery or diagonal (n
= 10), marginal (n = 6), or right coronary artery (n = 5) were found.
A combination of PTCA and thrombolytic treatment (in eight patients ex
tended thrombolysis for 24 hours) was successful in reopening the veno
us graft in 16/21 patients (76.2%). Immediate complications included f
emoral haematoma (4), distal embolisation (3), and infection in one pa
tient. Out of 13 patients catheterised within three months, two had re
occluded, seven had restenosis, while four had patent grafts. Recurren
t PTCA (at least once more) was done in eight patients. At long term f
ollow up of a mean of 26.7 (21.6) months (range 4-75 months), four pat
ients were asymptomatic, eight still suffered from mild stable angina,
while three had recurrent hospital admissions and needed a second cor
onary artery bypass. A combination of thrombolytic treatment and PTCA
is a feasible and practised approach to recanalise recently occluded v
enous bypass grafts.