Throughout the world the AIDS epidemic continues and even seems to acc
elerate in regions previously thought to be untouched. The number of c
ases has increased by 60 % in one year. With its 15 000 seropositive p
ersons and 35 000 cases of declared AIDS, France is the most affected
of all European countries. Sexual contamination remains predominant wi
th a relative increase of heterosexual transmissions. However, particu
larly in the South, transmission is prevalent in intra-venous drug add
icts. In all cases worldwide it is the socially deprived, marginal and
fragile populations which are the most vulnerable. Various previsions
are possible in France, depending on the prophylactic measures applie
d. In any event, the number of seropositive subjects should be levelli
ng out at the end of this decade, and the prevalence of the disease sh
ould stabilized at between 15 000 to 20 000 patients. At present, the
cost of AIDS exceeds 5,5 billion francs.