Based on Zagoruiko's approach to the ''empirical prediction'' problem,
methods of searching for an informative set of attributes in regressi
on analysis have been considered. Various zero regression coefficient
hypotheses and the corresponding submodels are described. The first hy
pothesis is referred to as stronger than the second one, if either of
them is equivalent to the complete model and the number of zero coeffi
cients is larger in the former hypothesis. A hypothesis-strengthening
algorithm is an algorithm that enables one, for certain sets of backgr
ound data at least, to define a hypothesis stronger than the original
complete model. The feasible regression method, branch-and-bound metho
d, step-by-step regression, random adaptation search and others can be
represented in the form of a hypothesis-strengthening algorithm. The
authors give an overview of their previously published results in inac
cessible publications.