A numerical scheme is presented that allows us to compute numerically
the coupling between large-scale motions and unresolved turbulent scal
es for thermonuclear burning fronts in carbon-oxygen white dwarfs. In
contrast to most previous calculations, the parameters of the turbulen
ce model are determined by physical considerations and from results of
laboratory combustion experiments, with the exception of a closure re
lation that remains largely undetermined but seems to be of great impo
rtance. As a first test case the subgrid model is coupled to a code so
lving the Euler equation directly by means of the piecewise parabolic
method (PPM), and the propagation of a nuclear burning front in a Chan
drasekhar mass white dwarf is simulated in two dimensions. We find tha
t energy from the well-resolved Rayleigh-Taylor scale is indeed going
into turbulent motions, thereby accelerating the flame speed significa
ntly beyond its laminar value. However, with a conservative choice of
the parameters of the subgrid model, the turbulent velocity never exce
eds a few percent of the sound speed. Consequently, the model has very
little in common with observed Type Ia supernovae. Possible ways out
of this dilemma are briefly discussed.