The anesthesia (blockade) of canine n, femoralis may be performed eith
er from lumbar or inguinal region. The insensibility of skin in the me
dial part of the thigh, tibia and tarsus as well as the akinesia of m,
quadriceps femoris are attained by the anesthesia. The blockade of n,
femoralis from the lumbar region often attains n. obturatorius as wel
l. If the blockade of n femoralis and n, ischiadicus was performed at
the same time, almost all muscles of the hind limb (except m. pectineu
s, m. gracilis, n. obturatoris internus and m. adductor) would be inac
tivated which may considerably facilitate minor:surgical and postopera
tive. interventions on the canine hind leg. Acces to femoral nerve fro
m lumbar can be recommended because of better results and easier perfo
rmance and after the aplication of anesthetic the effect is faster and
more efficient. The signs of the obturator nerve blockade were obtain
in some dogs especially in dogs with long legs.