The interaction of Ran, a Ras-related nuclear GTP-binding protein, wit
h its guanine nucleotide exchange factor RCC1 has been studied by equi
librium and transient kinetic measurements using fluorescent nucleotid
es. The four-step mechanism of catalyzed nucleotide exchange involves
the formation of ternary complexes consisting of Ran, RCC1, and GXP as
well as a nucleotide-free dimeric Ran . RCC1 complex. This model is s
ufficient to describe all experimental data obtained, so that no addit
ional reaction steps must be assumed. All the rate and equilibrium con
stants for the four-step mechanism have been determined either experim
entally or from a simultaneous theoretical fit to all experimental dat
a sets. The affinities of RCC1 to Ran . GDP and Ran . GTP are similar
(1.3 x 10(5) and 1.8 x 10(5) M(-1), respectively) and are high enough
to allow formation of the ternary complex under appropriate concentrat
ion conditions. In the absence of excess nucleotide and at low Ran con
centrations, GDP (or GTP) can be efficiently displaced by excess RCC1
and the ternary complex can be produced. The affinities of both nucleo
tides (GDP or GTP) to Ran in the corresponding ternary complexes are r
educed by orders of magnitude in comparison with the respective binary
complexes. The reduction of affinity of both nucleotides in the terna
ry complexes leads to a dramatic increase in the dissociation rate con
stants by similar orders of magnitude (from 1.5 x 10(-5) s(-1) to 21 s
(-1) for GDP) and thus to facilitated nucleotide exchange. The quantit
ative results of the kinetic analysis suggest that the exchange reacti
on does not per se favor the formation of the Ran . GTP complex, but r
ather accelerates the formation of the equlibrium dictated by the rela
tive affinities of Ran for GDP/GTP and the respective concentrations o
f the nucleotide in the cell. The extent of Ran . CTP formation in viv
o can be calculated using the constants derived.