A single component, visible wavelength, heterodyne laser Doppler anemo
meter was constructed based on solid-state laser diode technology for
use in fluid dynamic research, With the recent advancements in solid-s
tate laser diodes and solid state avalanche photodiodes, it is possibl
e to construct miniature laser Doppler anemometer systems solely emplo
ying solid-state technology. Such systems have the advantages of small
size, light weight, low-power consumption,low cost, and ruggedness, T
he subject of the current research was to quantitatively evaluate a mi
niaturized laser Doppler anemometer system constructed with visible la
ser diodes and an avalanche photodiode detector, Evaluation measuremen
ts in a turbulent, stagnating jet are presented and compared to both h
ot-wire and five-hole probe data, The miniature solid-state laser Dopp
ler anemometer system war found to agree within 2% for mean velocities
and agree within 5-20% for root mean square turbulent velocities,