Stress fracture is an overuse injury caused by muscle forces together
with bending and impact forces acting on the bone, which has not adapt
ed to the loading. The localization of stress fractures is more common
in lower extremities. They are found in many other bones of the body
as well. In the history of these patients a considerable amount of run
ning exercise is usually found. The symptoms are stress pain and achin
g at rest after training. Typical findings are local palpation pain an
d edema. Sometimes tender resistance is felt. Clinically used radiolog
ical imaging methods are radiographs, scintigraphy and in some cases m
agnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography The radiographs are
not usually positive until 2 weeks after the onset of symptoms. With a
typical history and clinical findings the radiological diagnosis caus
es no further problems. The corner stones of the treatment are: early
identification of the symptoms, early diagnosis, a sufficiently long t
raining pause and in special cases consultation of experts in the fiel
d. There are rare stress fractures with increased risk of a delayed un
ion, non-union or complete fracture. Surgical treatment may be needed
in some cases. The prevention of stress fractures has proved to be dif
ficult. The risk of acquiring stress fractures is increased by running
with improper shoes and in female athletes with menstrual irregularit
ies. If running is changed to some other kind of sport, the incidence
stress fractures is lower.